Home Life Style Follicular Unit Transplant and Extraction Scars: How To Cover Them Post-Treatment

Follicular Unit Transplant and Extraction Scars: How To Cover Them Post-Treatment

A professional hair tattoo artist can help cover your follicular unit transplant and extraction scars through scalp micropigmentation (SMP).

The procedure often produces fast and lasting outcomes, and it is minimally invasive. Here are two hair micropigmentation procedures that can help you:

Scar Camouflage

Scalp tattooists perform a scar camouflage procedure to match the scars with the natural tone of the hair follicles and surrounding skin. An SMP practitioner will examine your scarred area to determine the ideal custom pigmentation for even and natural-looking results.

The assessment includes checking your follicular unit transplant and extraction scar’s size, healing, and skin type and tone.

This SMP procedure is often more convenient, effmay require more pigmentation or several SMP sessions to get concealed completely.

A hair tattooist might recommend you first visit a dermatologist if your scalp skin has infections or inflammation before performing the procedure.

Full Hair Filling

Full hair filling helps make hair transplant scars less visible by enhancing your scalp’s density. The procedure works by creating an illusion of thick, uniform, full-grown hair covering the scalp.

Density filling may involve a personalized ink application approach to make the pigmentation blend with your scalp’s skin texture. A hair tattoo artist chooses either standard or feathering techniques when applying this scalp micropigmentation procedure.

The standard density enhancement technique helps create a buzz-cut appearance, while the feathering technique produces softer, natural hairlines. Extensive scalp scars might require the practitioner to apply multiple pigment layers or adjust the pigment color intensity and application depth.

SMP ink with proper color saturation or intensity helps cover your scalp scars for an extended period, as it doesn’t fade quickly.

What Determines Scar Camouflage or Density Filling Outcomes

An elastic or less turgid scalp skin may enable more convenient hair pigment deposition due to less resistance. Scalp skin elasticity can help promote consistent ink absorption and faster healing.

The use of micro-needles during scar camouflage or density hair enhancement helps get more accurate or precise results. Scalp micropigmentation is more precise when the applied ink dots match the sizes of your natural hair follicle.

Experienced scalp tattooing artists can insert micro-needles at varying angles to achieve the right pigmentation depth. This helps promote accurate ink deposition and uniform pigment spreading. It also reduces scarring risks.

Varying contact times of SMP needles can help a practitioner achieve different pigmentation depths on your scalp scars.

Less viscous hair micropigmentation ink may get absorbed and distributed in the scarred skin more efficiently. A reputable scar tattooing artist applies additive-free pigment to protect your scarred skin from irritation and infections.

How to Prepare for Scalp Micropigmentation Procedures

Drinking adequate water days before these non-surgical scalp scar-concealing procedures may enhance your skin’s elasticity.

Moisturizing the scarred scalp area helps soften the skin for easier pigment deposition. Avoid anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications, as they could thin your blood and cause bleeding during scalp tattooing.

Scalp Micropigmentation Aftercare Tips

Washing your tattooed hair transplant scars with antimicrobial shampoo can help reduce the risks of infections. Protecting the scalp tattoos from sun exposure helps prevent skin sunburn or fast pigment fading.

When you get the tattoo, avoid scratching or scrubbing your scalp skin to prevent injuries and bleeding. Schedule follow-up appointments with a hair micropigmentation practitioner for easier monitoring of your recovery.

Contact a Professional Hair Tattoo Artist

Scar camouflage or density enhancement can help hide your follicular unit transplant and extraction scars for a more natural-looking appearance.

The non-invasive nature of these SMP procedures may make them cost-effective, efficient, comfortable, and safe. Call an experienced hair tattoo artist today if you have scalp scars from a hair transplant or injury.

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